New Business Logo

Your logo is a visual representation of what your company stands for in the marketplace. Think of any large company and you will see that you can picture their logo in your mind and you can tell exactly what their company stands for.


Your logo is the one place that you should never cut corners on or try to save a few dollars.


Your company logo enhances potential cliemts and customers critical first impression of your business. A good logo can build your brand between your business and your customers, and provide the professional look of a successful company.


Logo Types:

There are basically six kinds of logos.


A Wordmark which consists of the company name in a stylized type or font.

Pictorial Mark

An image or shape that is easy to recognize to represent your business

Abstract Mark

An abstract symbol or shape representing the character of your business 

Shield or Emblem Mark

Name of business inside a shape or picture element

Character Mark

A Mascot or character to represent your company or brand 


Web 2.0

Internet trends including bold vibrant colors, 3D graphics, shadows, gradients, rounded corners etc.


All of the above show the variety of choice you have and is one of the choice you'll get when you start your contest here at