Diamond Dogs - Logo design

Contest Prize Guaranteed ( )
(Contest has received 40 or more submissions)

Contest Holder Participation ( )
(Has ranked designs or posted comments daily)

  • Contest Prize Amount: $200.00
  • Submitted Entries: 111
  • Contest Ends In: Completed
  • Participating Designers: 21
  • Contest Views: 378
Hide/Show Contest Description

The Contest Brief

Contest Holder Name:  odemmerly

Company Name: Diamond Dogs

Company Slogan: 

Description and What We Do: We'll be using this logo for our internal team logo. These are called "Diamond Teams". The concept is based on the series Ted Lasso. I've uploaded an extremely amateur version of a logo concept we liked. We'd like to utilize the crest and base it off of the AFC Richmond logo. We'd like to utilize our color scheme from Greenspring Advisors (our website is greenspringadvisors.com for reference). I've also uploaded a logo of ours - we would love to utilize the Greenspring leaf from the logo. I've also uploaded a few pictures of my dog. We'd love to utilize him as the dog in the logo (or a silhouette). Other concepts to incorporate - our founding in "2004".

Industry Type: General

Top Three Things To Communicate Through Our Logo Design:

#1 Team Name - Diamond Dogs

#2 Founding of the company "2004"

#3 Greenspring Advisors Color Scheme

Our Target Audience:

Our internal office is the target audience. Men and Woman roughly 22 - 50 with college education.

We Like These Colors:

We would ideally like to use our Greenspring Advisors Color Scheme (generally utilized in the mock logo). This can also be referenced at Greenspringadvisors.com.

Design Preference Sliders:
Grey Black White 

Design Styles We Would Like To See:

Shield or Emblem Mark

Name of business inside a shape or picture element

Our Design Will Be Used On:

Web, Print

Contest Attachments:

2024-09-23 18:54:20

2024-09-23 18:54:20

2024-09-23 18:54:20

2024-09-23 18:54:20

2024-09-23 18:54:20

Contest Entries

  • Client Rank: # 1
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727397949Submit.png Submission #58
  • Client Rank: # 2
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727399420Submit.png Submission #59
  • Client Rank: # 3
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727389805Submit.png Submission #56
  • Client Rank: # 4
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727392951Submit.png Submission #57
  • Client Rank: # 5
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727429752Diamond Dogs_6.png Submission #79
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727237428Diamond Dogs1.png Submission #17
    By  moinjaved786
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727421456DIAMOND DOGS9.png Submission #71
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727421457DIAMOND DOGS10.png Submission #72
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727428294Diamond Dogs_3.png Submission #76
    By  QuantumDesign
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727428294Diamond Dogs_4.png Submission #77
    By  QuantumDesign
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727429752Diamond Dogs_5.png Submission #78
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727259115Diamond Dogs_1.png Submission #26
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727259115Diamond Dogs_2.png Submission #27
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727444427Logo1 (67).png Submission #80
    By  JuanMontero
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727444445Logo2 (35).png Submission #81
    By  JuanMontero
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727444468Logo3 (22).png Submission #82
    By  JuanMontero
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727448551DD 3.jpg Submission #83
    By  Big Daddy Dane
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727505207Untitled-2.png Submission #93
    By  shahajmal70
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727510345DIAMOND DOGS9.png Submission #94
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727510345DIAMOND DOGS10.png Submission #95
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727510732DIAMOND DOGS11.png Submission #96
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727510732DIAMOND DOGS12.png Submission #97
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727513714DIAMOND DOGS13.png Submission #98
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727285494DIAMOND DOGS6.png Submission #32
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727513714DIAMOND DOGS14.png Submission #99
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727285494DIAMOND DOGS7.png Submission #33
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727530395Diamond Dogs_7.png Submission #104
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727530395Diamond Dogs_8.png Submission #105
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727530515DD.jpg Submission #106
    By  BoenkYos
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727533059DD.jpg Submission #107
    By  BoenkYos
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727156332DiamondDogs.jpg Submission #7
    By  masnau
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/172732888611.png Submission #46
    By  ahmad yeni
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727166656DIAMOND DOGS1.png Submission #8
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727166656DIAMOND DOGS2.png Submission #9
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727168482DIAMOND DOGS3.png Submission #10
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727179315DIAMOND DOGS4.png Submission #11
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727179315DIAMOND DOGS5.png Submission #12
    By  JR Setting14
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727351295entry 1.jpg Submission #49
    By  buena_argie
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727376719zclogo.jpg Submission #53
    By  Solarex247
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727379044DD 2.jpg Submission #54
    By  Big Daddy Dane
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727379044DD.jpg Submission #55
    By  Big Daddy Dane
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727404127DD.jpg Submission #61
    By  Solarex247
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727404225DD.jpg Submission #62
    By  Solarex247
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727404327DD.jpg Submission #63
    By  Solarex247
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727404576DD.jpg Submission #64
    By  Solarex247
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727227221diamond-01.jpg Submission #13
    By  Funmight
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727227221diamond-02.jpg Submission #14
    By  Funmight
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727227221diamond-03.jpg Submission #15
    By  Funmight
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727844181Diamond Dogs_6_REV1.png Submission #108
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727227221diamond-04.jpg Submission #16
    By  Funmight
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727844181Diamond Dogs_6_REV2.png Submission #109
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727844181Diamond Dogs_6_REV3.png Submission #110
  • Client Rank: # Not Ranked
    https://www.logocontest.com/public/logoimage/1727844181Diamond Dogs_6_REV4.png Submission #111

Contest Comments


Joined: Jan 01, 1970

Posted On: Sep 23, 2024

Welcome and Thank You for Choosing LogoContest.com!

Here are some helpful hints to make sure you get the most out of our site, and your contest.


1. Please rank your submissions or post general comments a minimum of 1 time per day while your contest is running. This is required should you want to request an extension to your contest and will produce the best results from our designers.

2. Once your contest receives 40 design concepts, your prize amount will become "Guaranteed".

3. Please make the most out of our messaging and comment systems.

a) Place general comments on this main contest page to give all of the designers your preferences and what you would like to see or not see.

b) Clicking on any designers submssion will bring up a page of all submissions by that designer with an option to post private comments pertaining only to his work. (Only the contest Holder and that designer can view and post to this page)

c) Clicking on the designer username under a submission will allow you to send a completely private message to that specific designer.

4. Please "Eliminate" only those logo designs that you feel have no chance of winning your contest. (Be aware that eliminating everything may discourage participation from the designers.)

5. Please rank the designs 1 to 10 and there are also options to rank Elements you like, Colors you like, and Fonts you like. This will help guide the designers toward the design that you are looking for. For the best variety of designs, try not to keep the same design ranked #1 for an extended time as this may result in copying of that design.

6. We require that you do not ask one Designer to use elements or concepts from another Designer. The general rule is that, if a Designer was the first to use and submit the idea in one of their designs, they essentially own that concept or idea for the remainder of the contest. We will remove any deisgns that use copied concepts. Requests or ideas you have put in your Contest Brief or posted as contest attachments are fair game and open to everyone. Concepts that are considered obvious will also be fair game, for example: a dog & cat for a pet hospital, shopping bag for an e-commerce company, a tooth for a dentist, initials for a lawyer, etc.

7. Once your contest ends and is in judging mode, any designer that is ranked #1 #2 #3 #4 or #5 will be able to upload any revisions you request. Simply rank a designers entry to allow revisions to be uploaded.


Discussion Guidelines:

1. Designers and Contest Holders please always be respectful of each other, we all have the same goal.

2. Please do not criticize any design publicly, these discussions should only be held in private.

3. Designers may not post any external links to any designs.

4. Please do not ask a contest holder to view your designs or discuss any other designs.

5. Designers can not discuss copied designs on the contest pages and may submit a Logo Dispute to the Admin only.


Our team at LogoContest.com as well as our designers will make sure you are 100% satisfied and want you to leave here with a design that you love!

Please recommend us to your friends and business associates for all of their logo design and web page design needs.